The thermometer gauge chart from FusionWidgets XT pack offers you a lot of configuration options. Here, we'll see how to:

Let's see each of them one by one.

Using palettes

The thermometer gauge offer 5 pre-defined color palettes for you to choose from. Each of these palettes is accessible by the numbers 1-5 respectively. To choose a palette, all you need to do is set:

<chart palette='2' or '3' or ..>
{ "chart": { "palette": "2" or "3" or ...} }

Shown below are a few examples of palettes applied on our previous chart:

Palette 2
Palette 3
Custom palette color using

<chart paletteThemeColor='669933' ..>

Customizing gauge properties

You can set the thermometer fill color using:

<chart ... gaugeFillColor='FF5904' gaugeFillAlpha='100' ...  >
{ "chart": { "gaugefillcolor": "FF5904", "gaugefillalpha": "100" } }

This results in:

You can also change the border color using:

<chart ... showGaugeBorder='1' gaugeBorderColor='FF5904' gaugeBorderThickness='2' gaugeFillColor='FF5904' gaugeBorderAlpha='80' gaugeFillAlpha='40' ...>
{"chart": {..."showgaugeborder": "1", "gaugebordercolor":"FF5904", "gaugeborderthickness":"2", "gaugefillcolor":"FF5904","gaugeborderalpha":"80", "gaugefillalpha":"40" ...}}

This will result in:

Manually setting thermometer radius & height

By default, FusionWidgets XT automatically calculates the best thermometer radius and height. However, if you need to set it manually, you can use:

<chart ... thmBulbRadius='25' thmHeight='220' ..>
{"chart": {..."thmbulbradius": "25", "thmheight":"220"...}}

This will result in:

This is useful when you're using annotations to create background elements for your thermometer.
Hiding chart value

You can hide the value for the chart using:

<chart ... showValue='0' ..>
{"chart": {..."showvalue": "0" ...}}

This will result in:

Configuring tick marks & values

You can opt to hide all tick marks & values using:

<chart ... showTickMarks='0' showTickValues='0'...>
{"chart": {..."showtickmarks": "0", "showtickvalues":"0"...}}

This will result in:

You can place the ticks to the left or right of thermometer using:

<chart ... ticksOnRight='0' ...>
{"chart": {..."ticksonright": "0" ...}}

This will result in:

You can configure the number of tick marks as under:

<chart ... majorTMNumber='8' minorTMNumber='3'...>
{"chart": {..."majortmnumber": "8", "minortmnumber":"3"...}}

It will result in:

The chart can automatically adjust the number of major ticks to a best feasible value. However, if you do not want the chart to do the same, you can add:

<chart ... adjustTM='0' majorTMNumber='8' minorTMNumber='3' ...>
{"chart": {...adjusttm="0", "majortmnumber": "8", "minortmnumber":"3"...}}

You can opt to show every nth tick value by setting:

<chart ... tickValueStep='2' ...>
{"chart": {..."tickvaluestep": "2" ...}}

This will result in every 2nd major tick mark's value being shown, as under:

You can configure tick mark cosmetics using:

<chart ... majorTMColor='333333' majorTMAlpha='100' majorTMHeight='10' majorTMThickness='2' minorTMColor='666666' minorTMAlpha='100' minorTMHeight='7' minorTMThickness='1' tickMarkDistance='2'...>
{ "chart":{"majortmcolor":"333333", "majortmalpha":"100", "majortmheight":"10", "majortmthickness":"2", "minortmcolor":"666666", "minortmalpha":"100", "minortmheight":"7", "minortmthickness":"1", 
"tickmarkdistance":"2" } }

This will result in: