The Glow Style Type lets you apply a glowing outline around any chart object.

Note: In JavaScript charts, customized glow style type is not available.

It has the following configurable properties:

Properties Description
color The color of the glow in hex code (without #). The default value is FF0000.
alpha The alpha transparency value for the shadow color. Valid values are 0 to 100. For example, 25 sets a transparency value of 25%.
blurX The amount of horizontal blur. Valid values are 0 to 255. The default value is 8. Values that are a power of 2 (such as 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32) are optimized to render more quickly than other values.
blurY The amount of vertical blur. Valid values are 0 to 255. The default value is 8. Values that are a power of 2 (such as 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32) are optimized to render more quickly than other values.
strength The strength of the imprint or spread. The higher the value, the more color is imprinted and the stronger the contrast between the glow and the background. Valid values are 0 to 255. The default is 2.
quality The number of times to apply the effect. Valid values are 0 to 15. The default value is 1, which is equivalent to low quality. A value of 2 is medium quality, and a value of 3 is high quality. Glows with lower values are rendered quicker.

Setting glow color and alpha

To define a glow's color and alpha, you need to use the following code:

<style name='MyFirstGlow' type='Glow' color='FF5904' alpha='55'/>
"definition":[{"name":"MyFirstGlow", "type":"Glow", "color":"FF5904", "alpha":"55" }]
Property Format Example
color color='Hex Value (without #)' color='FF5904'
alpha alpha='value (between 0 to 100)' alpha='55'

It gives the following result:

Configuring glow blur

You can configure the blur amount of glow as under:

<style name='MyFirstGlow' type='Glow' color='FF5904' alpha='55' blurX='13' blurY='13'/>
"definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstGlow", "type":"Glow", "color":"FF5904", "alpha":"55", "blurx":"13", "blury":"13" }]
Property Format Example
blurX blurX='value' blurX='13'
blurY blurY='value' blurY='13'
Original chart with default blur     
With blurX and blurY set to 13

Controlling glow strength and quality

You can also control the glow strength and quality to get better results.

Following example shows a glow with higher strength:

<style name='MyFirstGlow' type='Glow' color='FF5904' alpha='55' strength='3'/>
<style name='MyFirstGlow' type='Glow' color='FF5904' alpha='55' quality='10'/>
 "definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstGlow", "type":"Glow", "color":"FF5904", "alpha":"55", "strength":"3" },
    { "name":"MyFirstGlow", "type":"Glow", "color":"FF5904", "alpha":"55", "quality":"10" }]
Property Format Example
quality quality='value' quality='10'
strength strength='value' strength='3'

Original chart with default strength & quality
With enhanced strength & quality

You can apply glow to any object of the chart. It's not just restricted to data plot. However, too much application might result in slower rendering of the chart.