FusionWidgets XT Download Package contains the following. Please note that depending on the license that you've purchased, a few items might not be there.

SWF Files (Ready to use charts and gauges)

FusionWidgets XT is essentially a bundle of SWF files, each being a chart/gauge. All the charts/gauges are present in the Download Package > Charts folder. Whenever you need to create charts/gauges for a web application, just copy these SWF files and paste them in your application. Additionally, the client-side export component, which comes as a separate SWF file (FCExporter.swf), is also present in Charts folder.

FusionCharts JavaScript Class (applicable to FusionWidgets XT)

FusionWidgets XT features a completely new JavaScript class - FusionCharts JavaScript Class. It caters to all the products of FusionCharts XT suite that includes FusionWidgets XT. FusionCharts JavaScript Class (in FusionWidgets XT pack) is present in the Download Package > Charts folder. This folder contains the four main JavaScript files (FusionCharts.js, FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Widgets.js and jquery.min.js).

FusionCharts.js is the core FusionCharts JavaScript Class that helps you embed charts and gauges in your web pages in a user-friendly way and offers functionality like updating chart data, retrieving chart data, supporting multiple data formats, event handling etc. Additionally, it also helps in rendering JavaScript fallback charts/gauges (using FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Widgets.js and jquery.min.js).

 allows control over the client-side Export Component and provides interfaces to link the client-side Export Component to the charts present in the web page.

FusionCharts.jqueryplugin.js provides easy jQuery syntaxes to render charts and gauges.

The legacy FusionCharts JavaScript Class (from v3.1.1) is also provided in Download Pack > SourceCode > JavaScript > Legacy folder.

Sample Code

All the code that we refer to in this documentation, are present in Download Package > Code folder. These are ready-to-use code samples, which you can copy-paste and run. Just make sure that you copy the charts SWF and JavaScript files (from Charts folder) along with the respective example.

server-side Export Handlers (Image/PDF Saving Scripts)

The scripts which allow you to save FusionWidgets XT as PDF/images at server-side are present in Download Package > ExportHandlers folder. Please refer to Exporting as Image/PDF section in documentation on how to use them.


There are a few tools that user can use to build and configure charts in Download Package > Tools folder.

Chart XSD schema

The XSD schema of all the charts is present in Code > ChartXSD folder.

Chart Source Code

If you've the source code license of FusionWidgets XT (as part of Enterprise, Enterprise Plus or Redistributable license), you can find the source code at Download Package > SourceCode folder.

The source code of Flash charts are present in Download Package > SourceCode > Flash folder. This folder contains all the .fla files. All the ActionScript files are under the package com.

The source code of JavaScript charts and FusionCharts JavaScript Class files are present in Download Package > SourceCode > JavaScript folder.

Chart Samples

We've built a few samples for your viewing pleasure. These are present in Download Package > Gallery folder.